Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dad, by Ronan Daly

That morning my biggest regret, the shadow that looms over me, keeping me cold and distant. Mom says its like the lights in my eyes have winked out. I slowly move away from her like I'm slowly dying inside, she desperately tries to bring the lights back but I know they're gone forever.

The alarm buzzes. I drag myself out of my slumber and turn over to see the clock, it reads 7:00 in the morning, a dreaded time for me. I haul my self out of bed and get dressed. A groggy walk down the stairs leads me to the kitchen and my Dad reading the morning newspaper." Mornin' " he says to me. I grunt in response. For breakfast soggy cornflakes and burnt toast. "Is that a way to talk to your father" he remarks."Who cares" I mutter in response. Suddenly a huge argument breaks out and we're screaming at each other, I grab my bag and storm out the door. I stomp to school but by the time I've gotten there I've cooled off. I decide to say sorry to him when he gets home from work.

The day is pretty normal at first, maths in the morning, Irish afterwards but during first lunch the teacher takes me out of the classroom. Solemnly she mutters "Theres been an accident". The teacher stared at me and I felt my eyes well up with tears.

From there it starts to blur, I can remember the teacher telling me what happened; my Dad had been in a car crash and was in a critical state at hospital , but not much else. My memory picks up with me sobbing next to his hospital bed, after a while a puddle forms by my feet. They've kept him alive, barely.He could pass away at any moment so these could be my last few minutes with him

My mind flashes back to a day at the beach. I've always hated the beach but this is one of my favorite times there. i was lying on a towel trying to make the time spent there shorter, none of us were really enjoying it. My dad noticed this and sneaked off,when he returned his arms were filled with ice creams for the whole family. Clever old dad he always knew how to cheer us up.
I took my eyes away from the ice creams and focused on his face, he smiled at me and outreached his hand and gave me my favorite ice cream.

After I had finished the ice cream he brought me for a swim and we splashed and dived until it was time to go home. We returned happily tired. My great old dad had turned a boring day into a brilliant one but now he's on a hospital bed and the last memory he has of me is a horrible one.I wish I could change this with all my heart. I can only hope he survives.

Again my mind regresses to a time my dad helped me out. On the way home from school I had been pushed around by some teenagers who had taken my bag and torn my books to pieces . I arrived home bruised and battered but my dad was there for me. He gave me a cold cloth to put on my wounds but the real comfort came from his words, he told me everything would be ok and quelled all my fears. He made me feel safe and happy and eventually I recovered.

I was always so ungrateful, if I could go back in time I would treat him better, I would try so hard to be a good son but I can't go back in time, all I can do is wait. i stared at his still face, the monitor said he was alive but he didn't look it. I whispered in his ear "I love you" and the green line that showed his heartbeat went flat.