Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Christmas is a magical ntime for everyone, especially familys. The sparkling lights, festive food and jolly spirit. Even the most grumpy fellow can be seen laughing and enjoying himself at Christmas. If that wasn't enough at Christmasd our ears are filled with joyous carols that warm the hearts and minds of all those who hear them, the sreets ring with the, at home we sing them together Christmas is the worldwide day in which all worries are replaced by only joy. Truly Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

In my own family the build up Christmas is nearly as important as the day itself. First on the 8th of December down comes the treeand decorations from the attic;'Oh' and what a marvelous tree it is, watching over the room like a kind old man with a smile on his face. Then the days drag by until the 23rd comes 'round "Christmas Eve Eve" as we call it in our family as on the 23rd we reecieve our holidays from school and Christmas is so close you could touch it with the tip of your tongue. Suddenly an urgency to get things ready arises, hams are bought, turkeys stuffed, Christmas cakes brought from the back of the cupboard where they have been fermenting snd finally the big day arrives.

On that faithful day an invisible alarm clock wakes you from a deep slumber, one year so early as 3 am. I dash downstairs to see boxes of a special kind "My Boxes!"A flurry of hands reveals the contents of the boxes, games, toys and chocolate. A smile blooms on your face like a flowerin springand just like a flowere it will grow as the day goes on.Next the drive to our grandparents for dinner.Ham,turkey, potatoes an assortment of vegetable make up some of the feast.When we are all fed we all play a game of cards,The winner wins 20 euros and the ability to gloat for the rest of the day. Sadly soon the the sun goes down and we must say our goodbyes. The great day is over and all is back to normal. "Christmas" The most wonderful time of the year.