Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What Happened in the Graveyard

This is a short story by Georgia Moore from Ms. Horgan's 6th class. Georgia is the Winner of the Halloween Short Story Competition that was held during Book Week.

She shivered as she clambered out of her car. Tendrils of fog wrapped themselves around her, binding her in their freezing grasp. Her eyes wandered nervously over the scene. She was in a graveyard. Crumbling tombs and headstones surrounded her. The eerie emptiness chilled her to the bone. But she knew, nervous as she was, that she couldn’t stand forever. She took a very hesitant step forward.
The drop in temperature was immediate. Her ears popped, goosebumps rippled up and down her arms. An icy wind roared through her brain. The world became a wide grey void filled with deep, rasping breaths, belonging to things that had once been human but weren’t any more. She gasped for breath, but the air she was breathing seemed to be freezing her lungs. She wheezed desperately, fighting for life.
And then, everything vanished. She was herself again. Her eyelids dragged themselves open. And there was a white figure treading silently across the frozen grass towards her. Suddenly, she found herself gazing into a pair of wide, caramel-coloured eyes. He stared at her. “Are-“ he paused. “Are you… going there too?” She nodded slowly. “Will we find it… together?” he asked hesitantly. She nodded again, but didn’t move. “Well… I think it’s this way” Her feet seemed to be made of ice. But she managed to put one in front of the other. Until they came to the forest.
She stopped abruptly. She hadn’t noticed him fall back in step. She turned around and caught a glimpse of his face, dreadfully altered. The skin had fallen away like plaster, the teeth were brown and rotting away, and the one remaining eye was bloodshot, with an iris as scarlet as blood. She didn’t even have time to scream as a black cloud descended on her. And then… nothing.
by Georgia Moore